Many women wish for breasts that are bigger, fuller, and firmer. Breast augmentation is performed for a variety of reasons. The majority of women, however, choose to undergo a breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons. This includes, among other things, breasts that aren't the same size or aren't developed in the same way
Underlying the urge for breast augmentation is a desire for naturally tiny breasts or subjectively seen as too small breasts that do not correspond to their own ideal of beauty.
Breast augmentation can also be prompted by a change in breast shape, whether as a result of pregnancy, extreme weight loss, or the normal aging process.
A disfiguring breast malformation is another possible reason for breast augmentation.
An incision under the breast, in the nipple area, or in the armpit is used to put a breast implant slightly behind the breast tissue or between the pectoral muscle and the ribs during breast augmentation.